You are a Drupal developer and you prefer to do all the installations and updates of your web sites using Drush, but your newest customer has a managed server at Hetzner? I am sure you already know that drush isn’t already installed and it is a little bit difficult to persuade the system administrator to add it. The following guide will help you to install it and use it in a few minutes.
Last Christmas my son got a Kano Kit by Santa and he is so happy with that, that he ruined the installation. :D Something went totally wrong and the system kept restarting all the time, before I could do anything. So I decided to reinstall the Kano OS to the SD memory it comes with the Kano Kit. But my system I like to use is based on Linux Mint, which is not supported by the Kano Team, at least there is no info at their page. So, how can someone reinstall the Kano OS with Linux Mint?
These days I am working on a very nice project which has to do with simple music compositing inside a web browser. I thought to use the fine SoX which can do many things with the processing of sounds. I am using it to combine sound series and then mix a few of them. I need to export the sounds as OGG and MP3 files. The OGG files will be used by most of the HTML5 ready browser and there is a fallback with flash that will use the MP3 files. Even if a browser doesn't support the OGG file it will automatically use the MP3 file.